Investment opportunities
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Cryptopocket is the first entry and exit ramp to the crypto world 100% Spanish capital, regulated by the Bank of Spain with registration number D748. Cryptopocket makes it easy to buy digital assets and cryptocurrencies.
The first regenerative finance fintech solution that connects investors with unbanked smallholder farmers globally using blockchain technology
Realisto is a B2B payment services Provider, specialised in emerging markets
Direct to Consumer
San Jorge Café
En San Jorge Café tostamos café de especialidad y vendemos online B2B & B2C.
Nuestro foco: el modelo de suscripción de café y la creación de contenido para captar y fidelizar.
Nuestra meta: todo el mundo se merece Café del Bueno.
Audiovisual and videogaming
Triple O Games2
Triple O Games is a blockchain enabled gaming startup focused on building unique entertainment experiences upgrading the “Free-to-Play” model by empowering players to earn money alongside game developers through blockchain.
Triple O Games
Triple O Games is a blockchain enabled gaming startup focused on building unique entertainment experiences upgrading the “Free-to-Play” model by empowering players to earn money alongside game developers through blockchain.
Bodegas Pahí
Préstamo con garantía hipotecaria, para inversión empresarial de autónomo, a devolver en 36 meses, con interés nominal anual de 12,9%
Red Biomasa
Desarrollo de una red logística para el suministro de biocombustibles (pellets, hueso certificado) especializada en el mercado de tamaño medio (segmento entre el pequeño tonelaje de las tiendas de bricolage y la gran distribución)
BlogsterApp es una plataforma que permite automatizar y viralizar el marketing de contenidos corporativos aprovechando las redes sociales de los empleados y embajadores de marca
Sÿnc Technology
Sistema avanzado para la trazabilidad de la seguridad física y virtual de los contenedores de mercancías en el transporte marítimo
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Make your investment reservation
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Make the disbursement
Make your transfer or payment securely. The amount is kept in a custodial Adventurees account and you can reverse your payment during the first 4 days after you make the transaction.

Finalize your investment
Sign the final contracts and Adventurees will transfer the money to the company.
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